Mr. Doan is going to show you how to make a digital portfolio. In your Canadian Connections wiki, there is now a link to your online digital portfolio. You can click on your name and add your work that you have done this term.
Here is mine: Mrs. Spencer.
You can copy and paste these I Can statements and add them to your wiki!
1. I can demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of how the physical geography and natural resources of Canada affect the quality of life of all Canadians.
(add a link to YOUR animoto by going to animoto and signing in and clikcing on your video that you made- looks like this:
Please make sure you have one made. Join a friend if yours did not work properly and use their animoto account.
2. I can examine critically, the physical geography of Canada by exploring and reflecting upon the following question:
How do landforms, bodies of water and natural resources affect the quality of life in
-Add a link to YOUR Community Walk-looks like this:
3. I recognize how an understanding of Canadian history and the stories of its peoples contributes to their sense of identity.
Just click edit on your wiki page when you are ready to add your work.
When you have completed creating your portfolio and it has the three I can statements copied and pasted with your 2 links, then try this:

If you don't know an answer, do a google search to find it! You can have 2 windows open to keep the game going while you do your search.
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