Sunday, November 14, 2010

What is the St. Lawrence Region?

Hello Grade 5s!

We are now moving into a new region called the St. Lawrence Lowlands. You will explore images of this region and will add to your community walk. While you observe the images and think of descriptions to write, consider how natural resources affect the region. Remember your anchor information right now is Atlantic Canada and our town. Constantly compare these regions and resources with the new ones you will encounter in the St. Lawrence Lowland region.

Major cities:

In the province of Ontario:
Toronto, Ottawa, Windsor and Hamilton

In the province of Quebec:
Montreal and Quebec City

Use tag galaxy to add pictures to your community walk. Please add pictures adn a short description to the major cities in this region. (You can use the snipping tool to cut the picture and save it in you picture files-make sure you name the file!).

We are going to ask powerful questions on Wednesday and inquire into your questions during this unit. Please feel free to add a comment on this post, asking a powerful question about this region!
